Music Ministry

Kim Hoessly, Handbells Director handbells@chmaster.org
Christopher Bowling, Director of Music & Worship Arts, music@chmaster.org
I serve as the Director of Music and Worship Arts/Organist at Church of the Master United Methodist in Westerville, OH. Originally from the Ashland, KY area I received my undergrad from Marshall University where I studied Voice with Dr. Larry Sticker, Organ with Albert Zabel, and Choral Conducting with Dr. David Castleberry. I found my musical calling in church music but also maintained an active voice studio, directed community theatre, and served on the boards of several local arts organizations. After many years of serving churches in the Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia Tri-State area, my partner David and I moved to Columbus in 2016, where I attended Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University and received a Masters of Theological Studies in Congregational Ministry. Besides my responsibilities at Church of the Master, I am on the keyboard staff of Stanton’s Sheet Music.
I have been involved in Church Music most of my life, beginning with choirs as a child and handbells as a teenager. I majored in Music Education at Otterbein and have worked with musicians as a piano technician since 1985. I love using music to enhance worship for the congregation. Handbells are an exciting and fun way to make music for all ages.

Kitty Laurich, Director of Children's Choir childrenmusic@chmaster.org
Tyler Domer, Music Associate choir@chmaster.org
I have called Church of the Master my home since relocating to Westerville with my family in 1980. I have two grown children and 4 fabulous grandchildren who, unfortunately (for me!), live in North Carolina and Oregon. Music has always been an important part of my life. I love listening to music, playing music, and singing. I managed a local music studio for years, and have taught Suzuki Violin to many, many children. I have fond memories of participating in both Jr. and Chancel Choir in the church I grew up in, and I still remember many of the songs. These days, I do most of my singing with the children in Cherub and Jr. Choir at Church of the Master. I love getting to know the children and watching them grow into the beautiful beings they were created to be. I have always thought that I have the best job in the whole church! My hope is that the music I choose will plant seeds of faith, hope, and love in their hearts, and that in their young lives now or down the road, when they are particularly joyful or sad, angry or confused, a song will come to mind that will encourage them on their way.
I serve as Music Associate/Accompanist at Church of the Master United Methodist. Originally from Bluffton, OH, I moved to central Ohio in 2009 to attend Capital University, and graduated with a degree in Keyboard Pedagogy in 2014. While not at the church, I work as Staff Accompanist at Olentangy High School and Worthington Kilbourne High School, where I have been for the past 8 years. I also music direct for the musicals at Westerville South High School. A resident of Westerville, I have a long history of playing music in church, sharing my talents from a very young age at my home church in Bluffton.

A tradition of musical excellence has long been a part of Church of the Master.
Children’s choirs, handbells and hand chimes for all ages, worship team, and chancel choir all minister regularly as part of our worship.
The Chancel Choir, open to ages high school to adult, rehearses and leads worship from September to May, and occasionally can be found offering special music during summer services. The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:00PM – 8:15PM with Sunday morning warm-up at 10:30AM. The Church of the Master Chancel Choir prides itself on offering music from all genres including: classical, spirituals, jazz, traditional, and contemporary choral literature. Twice a year the Chancel Choir offers a music lead worship service or masterwork as part of worship. Yearly Church of the Master Chancel Choir participates in Westerville Habitat Partnership’s progressive Christmas concert. The church, decorated for the Advent and Christmas seasons, opens its doors while the choir offers musical selections of the Christmas season, all while supporting the work of Westerville Habitat Partnership. To learn more about getting involved, contact Christopher Bowling, Director of Music and Worship Arts, at music@chmaster.org.
Theology is thinking together about our faith and discipleship. It’s reflecting with others in the Christian community about the good news of God’s love in Christ. Both laypeople and clergy are needed in “our theological task.” The laypeople bring understandings from their ongoing effort to live as Christians in the complexities of a secular world; clergy bring special tools and experience acquired through intensive biblical and theological study. We need one another. But how shall we go about our theological task so that our beliefs are true to the gospel and helpful in our lives? In John Wesley’s balanced and rigorous ways for thinking through Christian doctrine, we find four major sources or criteria, each interrelated. These we often call our “theological guidelines”: Scripture, tradition, experience, and reason. Let’s look at each of these.
Worship Team leads the music and worship of our 9AM Manna worship service offering a wide range of music styles from Taizé to contemporary Christian. To learn more about getting involved with Worship Team, contact Christopher Bowling, Director of Music and Worship Arts at music@chmaster.org
We have a vibrant children's ministry that involves music. Questions? Contact Children's Ministry Director Cindy Hughes at children@chmaster.org
Handbells have been a major part of our music ministry for many years. In 2021 we celebrated Kim Hoessly’s 30 plus years of service as our Handbell Director, with a new commission piece “Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy” by handbell arranger and composer Karen Buckwalter. Participating in the handbell and chime programs is a way to connect to the music ministry of our church. We have several ringing opportunities for ages 6-adults. Exultation Ringers: this group is open to adults and High School youth. The Ringers have rehearsals on Wednesdays from 6-7pm from September - May. They play a variety of music, using 5 octaves of handbells and 4 octaves of chimes, for primarily the 11am worship service. We also have smaller ensembles that play throughout the year. Youth Handbells: open to youth in Middle and High School, the Youth Handbell Choir rehearses on Thursdays from 5-5:30; offering 3 sessions: late October-December, January-early February, late February-March. We welcome all levels of experience and those new to music are welcome! This group participates at the 11am worship 3-4 times annually. Children’s Chime Choir: Children in 1st - 5th grades are invited to join Chime Choir, which meets on Thursdays at 5:30 pm. Players do not need to know how to read music to participate, but it is important that they are committed to regular attendance (and that their parents are committed to getting them there). Chime Choir usually plays during Worship on Christmas Eve and on 3 other Sundays throughout the year. Exultation Ringers and Youth Handbells are directed by Kim Hoessly. She can be reached handbells@chmaster.org. For Children’s Chime Choir, you can contact Marilyn Rogers at rogersmblg@gmail.com.
Church of the Master is currently looking for 5 paid music interns! Choral- 4 Choral interns are needed to sing with the Chancel Choir. Choral Interns would be asked to prepare 1 piece (not memorized) from sacred/classical literature and sight read a choral line. Instrumental- 1 Instrumental/guitar intern is needed to assist in accompanying the 9 AM service. Guitarist would be asked to sit in with the 9 AM music ensemble. Music will be provided in advance of audition. All interns would audition for the Director of Music and Worship Arts, according to their specific area. Interns would participate in weekly rehearsals and worship services. To learn more about the internship opportunities, contact Christopher Bowling, Director of Music and Worship Arts at music@chmaster.org